Wealth Tip Wednesday
My friend says he invests in REITs....what's that?
One of the best places to invest your money is in real estate. Real estate tends to appreciate over time, can produce predictable cash flows, offer certain tax advantages, and can diversify your portfolio.
Why investing is so important….
One of the things we sometimes hear from individuals is "oh I don't want to invest my money in the stock market, it's too risky!" or "I don't play the markets!" The unfortunate thing about sentiment like this is that it only perpetuates the wealth gap…
Should you BUY or RENT a house?
The purchase of your first home is a very exciting decision, but it can also be a daunting one. Many people are not sure if they should take the dive into homeownership or if renting for the foreseeable future is the better option. The answer? It depends.
Thinking about an annuity?
Remember, there are many different types of annuity products on the market and they can come with high fees, so you should familiarize yourself with the cost/benefit before you go jumping in head first.
What are the Capital Gains tax laws?
As the year comes to a close, make sure you are aware of the capital gains tax laws....
So you’re young and growing a family? What’s next!?
Boy oh boy is college expensive! So are weddings for those of you blessed with a little princess or two! And dear lord that UPPAbaby stroller costs what now?!
The importance of starting to invest….NOW!
Albert Einstein once said, "Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it...he who doesn't...pays it."
What’s the difference between the Dow Jones, the NASDAQ 100, and the S&P 500?
So just which of these 3 indexes is the most important to pay attention to when you flip on the news? Well, they are all part of the broader stock market, but each index measures its own slice of the pie in a specific way.
What does INFLATION really do to your money? Let's take a look...
You know how your Papi was always going on about, "in my day a house only cost $20,000, a coke was 5 cents, and I had to walk uphill both ways to school in a blizzard!" (Oh Papi, eat your meatloaf).
What exactly is an RMD anyway?
So you've been saving for retirement all these years and now you hear that you have to start taking distributions from your retirement nest egg? What gives?!
Life Insurance: When and why you need it (and when you don't)
Life insurance is a very important part of your financial portfolio. It can give you and your dependents the peace of mind to know that no matter what happens to you, your loved ones are taken care of.
Is your financial professional a FIDUCIARY? Here's what you should know...
You've probably heard the word "fiduciary" being thrown around at cocktail parties, but what's it really mean (also- go to better cocktail parties)?
To Roth (IRA) or not to Roth (IRA), that is the question...
Are you wondering whether you should start contributing to a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA? Well, first let's make sure you know the difference between the two.
What is a Target Date Fund? (Probably your best friend)
If you are scouring the options in your 401(K) and looking for the best way to invest your hard-earned money, don't over complicate the situation.
What is the difference between a tax DEDUCTION and a CREDIT?
When April rolls around every year, we start hearing all about deductions and credits to our taxes. Do you know the difference?
How does our tax system work?
In the USA, we operate under a Progressive tax system for income. That means that as you make more income, you are taxed at a proportionately higher amount on that income.